The Digital Dental Lab

DIGITALLY ADVANCEDDedicated to Providing World-Class Dental Restoration

Cad-Cam Design

Intra oral files for quick design & fabrication.


State of the art milling of Zirconium, Lithium-Disilicate & various other materials.

Model Scanning

We develop customized protocols, methods.

3D Printing

For accuracy, cleanliness and time efficiency for final product.

Your Digital Dental Partner


No one ever wants to spend more time at the dentist, and if there is one thing that builds patient confidence, it’s knowing that they are getting the benefit of more precise, more accurate, state-of-the-art technology. It is a digital revolution in the dentistry world, and getting on board will make decide whether you have a thriving, evolving dental practice, or are left behind.

Digital Dentistry is simply utilising dental technologies to perform traditional dental procedures and techniques instead of relying on outdated mechanical or electronic devices. Among the many advantages of going digital in the dental field are better fitting restorations, more diversity and increased speed in restoration techniques, more time efficient solutions at lower cost, and more predictable outcomes.

What Does Digital Dentistry Look Like?

Computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technologies are at the root of digital dentistry.
  • Digital radiography/X-rays: Computer-generated imaging creates clearer images, faster, with a lot less radiation and patient discomfort compared to film X-rays, and the resulting images can be magnified. The optical scanners create digital maps of the teeth, dental impressions, digital colour maps for cosmetic colour shading.
  • Intra-Oral Camera: By creating accurate images of the oral anatomy, the intra-oral camera to see defects in the teeth. Patients can be given more comprehensive instructions for dental hygiene and have a better understanding because they can see where they are to focus.
  • Cone-beam computed tomography Imaging: The CT scan for dentists, a rotating X-ray provides a three-dimensional view of teeth and oral anatomy, from which surgical guides for implants can be created. Tumours and diseases that have not appeared on traditional X-rays are detectable with this CT technology.
  • TekScan: The T-Scan can digitally assess bite relationships using a remarkably thin electronic sensor.
  • Diagnodent: Using sound pulse and laser technology, the diagnodent detects cavities much earlier, which allows dentists to limit the dental decay by beginning immediate treatment.
  • Dental lasers: Soft tissue lasers allow dentists to work with greater precision – on hard tooth structure and soft gums/issue, for example, and the patient experiences less bleeding and trauma.
  • The “Wand”: This small and easy-to-handle tool delivers anaesthesia slowly and methodically, making the injections less painful.
  • Digital dentures: CAD/CAM technology creates permanent digital records that are easy and fast to duplicate should the patient lose or damage the original denture.

Restorations That Are Light Speed Ahead

Advantages of Digital Moulds

Apart from providing the dentist with the assurance of relying on “tried and true” methods and techniques, or a general hesitation to enter the digital age, traditional dental moulds are easily surpassed by digital moulds.

  • Labs prefer virtual impressions because certain information can download directly to milling systems, doing away with stone models, especially stone models, which sometimes demonstrate bubbles and distortion issues.
  • There is practically no need to make remakes due to cleaner preparations and highly accurate, better fitting restorations that require minimal adjustment – especially beneficial when dealing with multiple units.
  • These advantages result in significant cost savings, both to you and your patient.

Join The Digital Age

The future of dentistry is digital. With your talent and expertise supported by technologies that revolutionize the dental procedures, your patients will receive the most efficient, stellar dental care.

Digital Dentistry - The Competitive Edge To Your Dental Practice
